
High quality plants
Tissue culture plant are of a known, selected origin, they are uniform and of superior quality.

Large quantity

Large quantity planned planting
Date Palm tissue culture micropropagation enables the supply of large quantities of plant at a specified, planned date.

A large and profitable plantation

A large and profitable plantation
The use of tissue culture plants permits to rapidly attain a large and economically viable plantation unit.

Maximum receptivity

Maximum receptivity
Field establishment is close to 100% .

Early production

Early production
Tissue culture plants produce rapidly and give fruit as soon as three years after planting.

Healthy plants

Healthy plants
Tissue culture plants leave the lab and nursery completely clean of pests and diseases, a fact of special importance when shipping plants from one country to another.

Plants on demand

Plants on demand
With tissue culture propagation it is possible to propagate and supply plantings of rare or highly wanted plants.